
Main Theme:
This document offers an interpretation of the SATOR Square as a puzzle of nearly 2,000 years, which, once deciphered, reveals a profound spiritual message about the integration of polarities and the connection between the divine and the mundane. The author proposes that the SATOR Square is essentially a «Yantra,» a mechanism or device that represents the «Cosmic Mind» through symbols.
Key Ideas and Facts:
- Palindromic Nature and Antiquity: The SATOR Square is a palindromic inscription found in various archaeological remains from the Roman era, the oldest being the one found in Pompeii (1st century AD). It is composed of the words «SATOR», «AREPO», «TENET», «OPERA» and «ROTAS». «The SATOR square is an inscription that has been found in buildings and objects present in various archaeological remains from different places of the Roman era, the oldest of which has been found in the city of Pompeii, which is estimated to be from the 1st century of our era.»
- The Turn and the Key: The key to deciphering the riddle lies in «turning» the square 45 degrees, taking the center of the square, the letter «N,» which is interchangeable with the Hebrew letter «Aleph» (א), which represents God, as the axis. «To decipher the riddle, the key (figuratively) must be inserted into the center, nucleus, or Heart of the «device» or square, the letter N, which is interchangeable with the Hebrew letter «Aleph» (א), which represents God…»
- Transformation of Aleph: Upon turning, the letter «Aleph» (א) transforms into the letter «Tav» (Ⴕ), symbolizing the Alpha and the Omega.
- The Diagonal as Sustenance and Truth: After the turn, the diagonal is interpreted as «Sustenance» («Tenet») and «Truth» («Emet»), representing the «Middle Path» between Heaven and Earth. «With the turn of the square, the cross formed by the palindrome «TENET» now passes to the Diagonal, and this new figure or image that is presented shows a perfect harmony (…) and shows us that the Diagonal is the Sustenance («Tenet») and the Truth («Emet»), it is the «Middle Path…»
- New Words Revealed: After the turn, the words «PORO» and «SARA» appear, which in Sanskrit mean «The Path of Essence» or «The Path of Truth.» «…a new message appears with the words «PORO» and «SARA», now on the vertical and horizontal axis, respectively, and which together in Sanskrit mean «The Path of Essence», also understood as «The Path of Truth».
- Symbolism of the Kundalini: The rotated letter «Aleph» symbolizes the Kundalini energy ascending after a renewed connection between Heaven and Earth. «When turning the key, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet (Aleph, א) has become the last (Tav, Ⴕ), symbolizing the Alpha and the Omega, and a new message appears with the words «PORO» and «SARA» now on the vertical and horizontal axis, respectively, and which together in Sanskrit mean «The Path of Essence» also understood as «The Path of Truth.»
- Initial Interpretation of the Words: The author offers two main interpretations for the phrase «SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS»:
- Phonetic Equivalent in Sanskrit: «The Immaculate Being Expands the Elevated in the Fragmented». This is interpreted as the need to unite or merge Heaven with Earth.
- Literal Interpretation (Latin and Kannada): «The Sower Grinds the Harvest (or the Grain) by Turning the Wheel (or the Wheels)». This interpretation is considered a clue to turn the square.
- Integration of Polarities: The central message is the integration of polarities, the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter. «In other words, to sacralize the mundane by materializing the Spirit and spiritualizing Matter, thus integrating the two polarities at the same time, that is, the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine, to make the transition towards the Diagonal…»
- Spiritual Influences: The author points out influences from Hinduism, Judaism (Kabbalah, Hebrew symbolism), Chinese Taoism, Buddhism, and Jainism in the symbolism of the SATOR Square. «The riddle of the SATOR square holds a deep spiritual message transmitted as a compendium or synthesis of various spiritual traditions in the form of symbols, symbology (which is different from the previous one), and Sacred Geometry.»
- Key Symbols: Key symbols such as the Point (Divinity), the Square (Earth), the Circle (Heaven), the Triangle, the Hexagram, and figures of Eight Elements are identified, all present in various spiritual traditions.
- Example: «The Circle (Fig. 6C), which represents perfection, Heaven, because it does not have corners like the square and has symmetry in any axis that passes through the center. The square is inscribed within the circle and also the circle is formed by the rotation of the square.»
- The Square as a Yantra: The document presents the Sator Square as a Yantra, a device or mechanism that comprises the point, the square, the circle, the triangle, the hexagram, and the figures of eight elements, symbolizing the fusion of the Mundane or Matter with the Spirit, of Heaven with Earth in the end, that is, true spirituality.
The SATOR Square, according to this interpretation, is a sophisticated riddle that encodes a deep spiritual message about the need to integrate polarities and find the «Middle Path» to reach Truth and Divinity.
February 12th, 2025